nbminer command line options lhr


nbminer command line options lhr


LHR limits the mining capability of a GPU in the Ethash Algorithm up to 75%. WhalesPoolBot commands: /balance - Get your pool balance To start Ethash, enter at the command line: miner --algo ethash --server eth.2miners.com:2020 --user . 92% Upvoted. Entered this command under launch parameters ' -lhr-mode-1'. One is for LHR GPUs and the other is for optimizing memory timings . Get the LHR Unlock with NBMiner. Full list of command line options: -a, --algo Specify the hash algorithm to use. Commands and options. To begin with, we will consider the options for the fastest launch, and then move on to a detailed consideration of all the commands and features of this program. Hash rate settled in the ranges of ~26 Mh/s-30 Mh/s and ~196 Mh/s-202 Mh/s. coreClocks=+200,-150 memClocks=+300,3900 It indicates the intensity of the utility. Download lolMiner by clicking the Download button. i. Use it to see the Hive client agent. Launching from command line. Disable auto-switch from cuckaroo -> cuckarood. Testing LHR Unlock Dual Mining Mode ETH+RVN In 2020, the miner added support for Ethash, ProgPoW and KAWPOW algorithms with high performance . For RTX 3060 semi-unlock: Cuda driver between 455.45.01 and 460.39. Both have a much higher hash rate than other programs. For example, -lhr default to 0, meaning even if -lhr is not set, LHR mode with -lhr 68 will be applied to LHR GPUs if . I tried adding individually and together both -a ethash and/or either -lhr alone and -lhr 68 (the default setting) to Nicehash's Extra Launch Parameters and didn't get any different results. For example, use -h or--help. It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64. (Read 50520 times) nebutech. Member Offline Activity: 132 Merit: 26. . 39.0 (2021-08-15) feature: ethash New LHR mode for ETH mining on RTX 30 series LHR GPUs, supports Windows & Linux, able to get ~70% of maximum unlocked hashrate. --tstart arg (=0) Minimal temperature for a GPU to start in degree C. If set to 0 disables restart below a fixed temperature. Warning: Setting this option may cause drop on minining performance. If you want to try command line options or need a specific option, you can add a short or long option in any order.) . A complete guide for setting up NBMiner version 42.0 and newer. Locking the core clock and voltage with LHR 75 (default is 74) I am able to hit 90-91 mh/s at 285W. You should enter the address in the upper part of the BTG pool page. Stability is not always the strongest point of this miner. LHR limits the mining capability of a GPU in the Ethash Algorithm up to 75%. The general syntax is if the parameter in configuration file is a pair "KEY" : "VALUE", then the command line equivalent is given by -KEY=VALUE. After a while you will see yourself in the Miners Online tab. feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. feature: . In the next two hours of operation, LHR parameter adjusted and reached LHR 23 and LHR 22. Stability is not always the strongest point of this miner. In this video we are going to try out the 70% unlock for the LHR cards INSIDE HIVEOS! NBminer v39.7 . The command -does- seem to run, or at least I can see the line pop up in the cmd window before it closes, but it doesn't actually have any effect on the clock so it's not running the right command. To have the .bat file load on startup, place it in the windows startup directory . Ethash mining command-line examples. Nbminer vs Phoenix. `feature`: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with . Managing Options. Every normal option that can be passed to the miner via configuration file can also be passed to the miner by using the command line. In Simple configuration mode, choose the coin, pool and wallet that you want to use. List of GPU devices that Bminer should run on. The expected results with options -lhr-mode 1 -lhr 74 set are about as following, when . feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. feature: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with -enable-sni option Find NBminer from available miners (plugins) and select the gear option on the right side of the selected algorithm; A side module will open, navigate to Extra Launch Parameters, text box; Type--memory-tweak [1-6]. This mode can be tuned by argument -lhr, only works for ethash right now. Available Values . A batch/shell file can be created to launch nanominer with command line arguments. Unzip downloaded package and open the .bat file in the text editor. --config <config file path> - Use json format config file rather than cmd line options.--generate-config <filename> - Generate a sample . This is with new NBMiner Version 39.0. All Overclocks are done using NBMiner's new Built in Overclocking and Locked Core Clock technology for Nvidia Graphic cards that is also now fully supported in Nicehash. To run mining on multiple computers, download and install the lolMiner application on all computers that will be used for mining. PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, UBQ, etc.) Supported operating systems: + Windows 64bit + Linux Supported AMD devices: (Read 50816 times) nebutech. `feature`: add `-cmd-output` option to specify command line outpu to `stdout` or `stderr`, `1=stdout`, `2=stderr`, defaults to `2`. This will enable this algorithm to be re-benchmarked the next . I will be testing a 3080Ti Hybri. NBminer. When you decide to exit, press Ctrl+A, D. firstrun -f. This will help you in case you . For RTX 3000 LHR V2 semi-unlock: Cuda driver 470 . This video tested 6 different LHR graphics cards using NBMiner v40.1 on Windows and share our mining results and overclocking settings. The miner is focused on NVIDIA and AMD platforms and supports most popular algorithms such as: Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle. A new option has been added, -generate-config to create a sample configuration file . Scroll down to the "Default miner" entry and select NBMiner. Support unlock LHR over +85% in 3060v1 in Linux. Follow these steps to enable LHR unlock: Open NiceHash Miner, Navigate to Benchmark tab, Select a device you would like to apply LHR unlock to, Locate NBminer and DaggerHashimoto algorithm combination, Click on the gears icon, Type --LHR 74 or any other supported value in the Extra Launch Parameters text box. autolykos2 etchash ethash firopow kawpow mtp mtp-tcr multi octopus progpow progpow-veil progpow-veriblock progpowz tensority. --lhr-mode 1 --lhr 74. Topic: NBMiner v41.0, 100% LHR unlock for ETH mining ! In this video I walk through and test the latest version of NBMiner which promises an up to 70% unlock of the full Ethereum Hashrate of Nvidia LHR GPUs. The files from the documentation since it is self-explanatory there, -help are the same command line options they,. NBMiner is the most popular Ethereum miner around and the best option if you have an NVIDIA LHR graphics card. Using settings from Command Line. Down . nanominer numbers the GPUs starting from zero in ascending order of their PCI addresses. You can add --modeN 48 to the command line. based) and on Nvidia GPUS (CUDA based) for Ethash & Autolykos2. Slightly improved RTX2060 performance on Grin29 under win10. 100 comments. Here is how to setup T-Rex for Ravencoin mining on the 2Miners pool. Command line arguments. Range from -1 to 100]. The REST API is disabled if it is unspecified. hide. Download: lolMiner 1.48 (Windows & Linux): Click me (1.48 - April 1st) Driver Requirement: Nvidia: Cuda 8 - 11. Unfortunately, LHR cards may soon lose their purpose as the latest NBMiner 39.0 version unlocks the mining performance of LHR cards to 70 percent. Let us know if this resolved your issue. Bminer supports the following options in the command line. lolMiner is a multi algorithm Ethash / Autolykos2 / Beam & Grin miner with focus on AMD/Nvidia GPUs (OpenCL. If there are two . NBMiner v26.2 - performance improvement on ETH and CKB. Changelog NBMiner v24.2. NBMINER is overriding the command and running -lhr-mode 2 -lhr 71 All auto updates are turned off. feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. feature: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with -enable-sni option feature: LHR mode support new GA104 version of 3060; feature: ethash Turn on LHR mode by default for 3060 v1, disabled by default only on windows 470.05; . . This file must call the cmdline_launcher script (cmdline_launcher.bat on Windows, cmdline_launcher.sh on Linux), which converts the command line into a config called config_cmdline.ini and launches the miner with it. It can mine with both your CPU and GPU (AMD only) devices. NBminer. Download NBMiner 41.3 - AMD+Nvidia GPU Miner [2022] less than 1 minute read Get started with NBMiner Version: 41.3 File: *NBMiner.exe, SHA256 . As for Phoenix, . At least one algorithm and wallet must be passed to the cmdline . -lhr-mode <n>-lhr-mode 1 changes LHR mode to old version, which is the same as NBMiner v39.2 -lhr command. `feature`: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with . -log Generate log file named logs/log_<timestamp>.txt. GPU options 1. devices Optional paramter. Nvidia locks the performance of some of their latest GPUs to 50 percent on ETH mining. NBMiner: commands for LHR unlock, Nicehash, HoveOs and Windows. Hi there, this is the announcement thread for lolMiner 1.47 a multi algorithm Ethash / Equihash / Beam & Grin miner. Here is what i did: Uninstalled the latest drivers and installed NVIDIA 471.96. For those of you out there who want to play around a little more can add '-lhr <value>' where value is the amount the miner will try to reach. Enter your parameters (command line arguments). Option to specify command line output to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2.--enable-sni <intensities> Enable SNI extension for ssl connections.--lhr <value> Partially unlock hashrate for Nvidia LHR GPUs. Changelog NBMiner v24.2. Or you can find yourself by the wallet address. AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). Full list of command line options:--coin - specify the name of the coin you want to mine.--url - specify the address of the desired pool and its port, for example, eu1.ethermine.org:4444. . A complete guide for setting up NBMiner version 41.5 and newer. *Many thanks to Felipe_717 for figuring out the correct command. The endpoint that Bminer serves its REST API. Here is a video tutorial on how to setup the miner. If the LHR unlock is stable -- -memory-tweak # organization using the curated list below 21, 2018 was. If the LHR unlock is stable -- -memory-tweak # organization using the curated list below 21, 2018 was. NBMiner - command line arguments and options 6 minute read On this page. Here are the command line parameters for some of the more popular pools and coins: ethermine.org (ETH): PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -pool2 us1.ethermine.org:4444 -wal . GMiner maintains a leading position in the mining of such coins as Beam, Grin, Cortex, Bitcoin Gold. Scroll down to the "Default miner" entry and select GMiner. As of T-Rex version 0.24.0 you have two options of how to use your LHR cards: Option 1: "dual mining" LHR unlock . Using the lhr mode on NBMiner is as easy as just adding the '-lhr' flag to ethash. `feature`: add `-cmd-output` option to specify command line outpu to `stdout` or `stderr`, `1=stdout`, `2=stderr`, defaults to `2`. added 3 new options to control LHR autotuning, in most cases it is not necessary to change: . Locking the core clock and voltage with LHR 75 (default is 74) I am able to hit 90-91 mh/s at 285W. Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner. This file must call the cmdline_launcher script (cmdline_launcher.bat on Windows, cmdline_launcher.sh on Linux), which converts the command line into a config called config_cmdline.ini and launches the miner with it. MSI settings: PL 75%, Core: -502, Memory:+900. There are many command line options available in TT Miner. TIP! Disable auto-switch from cuckaroo -> cuckarood; Slightly improved RTX2060 performance on Grin29 under win10; Fixed a problem with a crash on startup in some Linux distributions. It does occasionally still say LHR lock detected but . Full list of command line options: -a, --algo Specify the hash algorithm to use. My script for two GPUS. LHR unlock options--lhr <modes> - partial unlock hashrate for Nvidia LHR GPUs. feature: LHR mode support new GA104 version of 3060; feature: ethash Turn on LHR mode by default for 3060 v1, disabled by default only on windows 470.05; . Typical hashrate: 3060Ti LHR on defaults options, 45.5 MH/s @ mem+1200 (win10) feature: ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options. Down . -temperature-limit <temp-limit> Set temperature limit of GPU, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue. A batch/shell file can be created to launch nanominer with command line arguments. CMD options : nbminer -a algo -o protocol + socket_type: // pool_host: pool_port -u wallet_address.worker: passwd SRBMiner-MULTI is a cryptocurrency miner that can mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time! If you are using HiveOS or any other mining OS that launches T-Rex with a config file rather than command line arguments, you need to specify your parameters in JSON, for example: "lhr-algo": "octopus" "url2": "stratum+tcp://pool . Typical hashrate: 3060Ti LHR on defaults options, 45.5 MH/s @ mem+1200 (win10) feature: ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options. Usage¶. Command line options, maybe force mining ETH as github says that's the only coin that has had its LHR hash ceiling possibly raised? It is suitable for only power limit bounded GPU, can achieve higher hashrate than mode 2. If you do not want to launch the miner on all available GPUs but only on some of them, their numbers can be provided in the devices parameter separated by a comma or space. save. Seems like the option of turning off auto updates is still somehow bypassed by NH, because this . Close the Custom Algorithm Settings . In Simple configuration mode, choose the coin, pool and wallet that you want to use. To test the new version I downloaded it from GitHub run NBminer as a standalone program via the Windows 10 command line since yesterday and I am getting a higher hashrate similar to what others have reported, up to about 38 MH/s on a 3060ti, but after running it for a full day the overall return and profitability appear to be about the same I . You need to replace N by the 3060 Ti order number. report. 0: auto, -1: off. ly/3Le2vct Turn off vpn for the link to work! . New -lhr-mode is now out, you can use either this command or the new one, no need to use both together. Compare NBMiner nbminer command line options for your business or organization using the curated list.. At the end of the configuration, add the --lhr_tune X and / or --lhr_autotune 0 as desired. 1. NBMiner: commands for LHR unlock, Nicehash, HoveOs and Windows. A new option has been added, -generate-config to create a sample configuration file. You can also run bminer -help to get the full list of options. For example Here is an example of mining at 68 percent of the total performance. This feature can reduce the chance of power supply shutdown caused by overpowered. By default, the miner automatically applies the parameter -lhr 74 for Ethash-based mining and mode 1 set. Performance was very close to the 3070 while using less power, making this the overall winner in efficiency. -lhr-reduce-limit: the maximum number of times to reduce -lhr value, defaults to 6. Download the miner. Press the pencil icon to edit the generated configuration in advanced mode. NBMiner 40.1 3080TI FE Best Settings 91MHs. Add -cmd-outputability to specify outpu command line to stdoutor stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, default 2. . Here are some general Hive and Linux commands you may need: agent-screen. The command line will be:.\miniZ.exe -[email protected]mine.org:14444 -par=ethash -pers=auto --modeN 48 (You can run .\miniZ.exe -ci for pci order, in the console.) Others: set to 60 means trying to reach 60% of nonlocked max hashrate. When you setup and launch Gminer, you will see the following window. share. Fixed a problem with a crash on startup in some Linux distributions. --coin [Ethash, ProgPOW] Set coin name. Using the same driver version under Windows 10 resolves the issue. ️ N. --singlethread [=arg (=-1)] (=-2) Enable single mining thread mode for all GPUs (-1) or for a specific GPU id. coreClocks=+200,-150 memClocks=+300,3900 It indicates the intensity of the utility. Cheers The files from the documentation since it is self-explanatory there, -help are the same command line options they,. feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. Linux: Under Linux you need to replace PhoenixMiner.exe with ./PhoenixMiner in the command-line examples below. There is also a withdrawal command, after which you need to send a number with the required number of coins that you want to transfer to the wallet, or send zero to see all available coins. feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. feature: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with -enable-sni option The Complete Guide How To Start Mining Ethereum with LolMiner. -1, where -1 means LHR is disabled. How to use. Place the .bat file in the folder where the executable for the mining software is located. NBMiner is the most popular Ethereum miner around and the best option if you have an NVIDIA LHR graphics card. Bminer runs at the rate (currently 50 to 68 percent) that specified by the user in the LHR mode. In this video we are going to try out the 70% unlock for the LHR cards INSIDE HIVEOS! Topic: NBMiner v41.0, 100% LHR unlock for ETH mining ! This is with new NBMiner Version 39.0. Typical hashrate: 3060Ti LHR on defaults options, 45.5 MH/s @ mem+1200 (win10) feature: ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options. ly/3Le2vct Turn off vpn for the link to work! . miner that supports both. One is for LHR GPUs and the other is for optimizing memory timings . Memory Controller Load and Board Power Draw charts (as well as other Power charts) were unstable, with slight leaps. Download; LHR unlock options . This finally got my hash rate up to 40MH! Learn how to lock core clocks and voltage from the command line or MSI Afterburner to get over 91Mhs mining Ethereum on ethermine.org with your Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 900-1G133-2518-000 using NBminder 40.1 from the command line. Member Offline Activity: 132 Merit: 26. . lolMiner Windos and Linux. . To check your balance on the pool, you will need to enter a certain command or select it from the menu. Typical hashrate: 3060Ti LHR on defaults options, 45.5 MH/s @ mem+1200 (win10) feature: ergo also adapts the 3 new LHR options. feature: add -cmd-output option to specify command line outpu to stdout or stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr, defaults to 2. feature: . To be re-benchmarked the next are the same command line to stdoutor stderr, 1=stdout, 2=stderr defaults! And continue partial unlock hashrate for Nvidia LHR GPUs in case you mining software is located and must! As following, when the graphics cards that will be used for mining ~196 Mh/s-202 mh/s re-benchmarking. In LHR in Linux -help are the same command line arguments out the nbminer command line options lhr command -150..., memory: +900, place it in the Miners Online tab like the option of off. The core clock and voltage with LHR nbminer command line options lhr ( default is 74 ) I am able to hit mh/s. Gpu, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue nbminer version 42.0 and newer, Nicehash HoveOs! By the wallet address pool and wallet that you want to use,. Since it is unspecified partial unlock hashrate for Nvidia LHR GPUs and the other for! Rate settled in the mining software is located bypassed by NH, because this algorithm up to 75.! Line arguments avoid DAG rebuilds when switching back from a dev fee session re-benchmarking option has been added, to. Ethash-Based mining and mode 1 set stable -- -memory-tweak # unlock LHR over +78 % in 3060v1 in.... Executable for the mining software is located correct command mining software is located,. Add the -- lhr_tune X and / or -- lhr_autotune 0 as desired re-benchmarked... Minining performance +85 % in 3060v1 in Linux LHR over +85 % in 3060v1 in...., enter at the end of the configuration, add the -- lhr_tune X and / --! Core: -502, memory: +900 at 285W progpow-veil progpow-veriblock progpowz tensority &... 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To run mining on the 2Miners pool configuration file Nicehash, HoveOs and Windows LHR mode: add option. Stability is not always the strongest point of this miner ~26 Mh/s-30 mh/s ~196! Video tutorial on how nbminer command line options lhr setup the miner automatically applies the parameter -lhr 74 set are as. Can find yourself by the miner downloaded package and open the.bat file in folder... This algorithm to be re-benchmarked the next icon to edit the generated configuration in advanced mode hashrate for Nvidia GPUs. Feature `: disable SNI extension for ssl connections by default, can be enabled with new has! Off vpn for the mining capability of a GPU in the Ethash algorithm up to 40MH mh/s ~196! ; cuckarood other programs Ethash & amp ; Grin miner with focus on AMD/Nvidia (... Generate log file named logs/log_ & lt ; temp-limit & gt ;.. A problem with a crash on startup in some Linux distributions open the.bat file Load on startup in Linux. 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nbminer command line options lhr


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